Wednesday, November 24, 2010

According To Plan

According To Plan Review

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According To Plan Feature

What do you do when things don’t go According to Plan? For starters, you trick, deceive, and lie to the very person who ruined your best laid plans. Welcome to the world of Shelby Stewart, Private Investigator, who’s been hired to find Harrison Grant. To complicate matters further, her ex-partner, ex-lover, ex-everything Tank shows up looking for Harrison as well, albeit for a very different reason. Harry is the prime suspect in the grisly murder of a call girl, Lulu, in L.A. That wouldn’t be so bad, but Tank plans on staying at Shelby’s house, and makes it obvious he’s quite willing to help her heat the sheets, again. Shelby knows that sex with Tank is dangerous, fast, and sometimes a little dirty. Now is not the time to become side-tracked. Besides, this job could launch her company into a whole new stratosphere, so it’s imperative she remain focused. Frustration becomes Shelby’s newest partner as she makes plans to out maneuver Tank in their parallel quest. Tank, on the other hand, is always one step ahead of the game—and is not what, or who, Shelby thought.

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