Friday, February 18, 2011

Farewell to the Old Me ~I Love you, D~: The Final Chapter of Empty Promises

Farewell to the Old Me ~I Love you, D~: The Final Chapter of Empty Promises Review

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Farewell to the Old Me ~I Love you, D~: The Final Chapter of Empty Promises Feature

This isn't your typical novel. The events are very real; the emotions quite tangible. In this story, first time author, Daniela DuCasse, takes readers on a journey, her journey, of an unusual love affair. As a young girl from Haiti, DuCasse witnessed her family dynamics revealing rather mixed messages on life. From her experience, she learned on her own how to love and be loved. Then, she discovered a longtime friend wanted her as so much more. After being cautious for several months, she decides to follow her heart. Was her decision sound? Does this union end up as happily ever after? Read this diary-style saga and find out! You'll cry, you'll cheer, you'll gasp in disbelief, but you'll be glad Ducasse had the courage to share her story. When reading this story, picture the words coming from a woman plopping down on her bed when she has a moment and pouring out her thoughts on the days' events. The words are pure and sincere. You feel her pain and feel her triumphs; you feel her in the book, you get a genuine feel of WHO she is.

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