Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dollars and Sense: Or, How to Get On, The Whole Secret in a Nutshell (Classic Reprint)

Dollars and Sense: Or, How to Get On, The Whole Secret in a Nutshell (Classic Reprint) Review

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Dollars and Sense: Or, How to Get On, The Whole Secret in a Nutshell (Classic Reprint) Feature

PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. Ie How to get on in life is the great problem that confronts us all, whatever help may be given from the outside; it is a problem which in the main each must solve for himself. To make ourselves useful in our day and generation, to deserve the respect of the community, to put to good use the talents ,vhich an All-wise Creator has committed to our chargc, to earn our share of earthly blessings-this should be the aim of all. We must be willing to work with our best endowments of mind and muscle, if we would win honorable and enduring success; and those who ignore this necessity, or try to evade its requirements, are at war with all the facts of human history, as well as with the laws of all conscious life. Work in some form, therefore, is the law of all earthly existence. Every living thing must work or die. The prpblel11 is by no means easy of solution. I t requires an accurate knowledge of ourselves, and a fair understanding of the circ

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS; CHAPTER I; The World as Viewed hy the Two DilTerent Classes that Inhabit It l7; CHAPTER II; Tnle and False Economy-The Foundation of Success ????????; CHAl'TEl~ III; Choosing a Vocation-Selecting a Location-Hunning into Debt ??? ? 43; CHAPTER IV; Perse'erance-Working with a Witl-Depending on Yourself-Knowledge; of Your Husiness ?????????????? '" ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 54; CHAPTEN V; Luck-Tools-Rr:lins-On a Level witll Your Busines!;-norro-jng !lroney-; Th~ Royal Road ? ? 67; CHAPT~R VI; The ~tan Makes the Business-Room at the Top-I1ope-Concentration~}'; slem -Keeping Posted-Attending to 'lour Husines!; ? So; CHAPTER VII; Endorsing-Key to Successful Advertising ; CHAPTER VIII; Politeness-Charily-Keeping Your OWI1 Counsel - Integrity-Rich Poor; I'Ilan-~loney Getting 1Oc); CHAPTER IX; Borrowing Trouble-Pursuit of Tnle Happiness 119; CIIAPTER X; MaD a Rundle ol II abils-~urest )rethod of Securin!: Happiness ? ? %28; CHAPTER XI; ~eep

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