Monday, January 31, 2011

Ticking All the Boxes

Ticking All the Boxes Review

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Ticking All the Boxes Feature

A typical modern dilemma - you're intelligent, attractive, and successful but you're also pushing 40 and still looking for that elusive significant other. The man who complements your life rather than your wardrobe. Take Sally for example - she can't find Mr Right in the usual haunts but a chance meeting with Anne, a previously unloved and unlovely school friend, changes all that. For Anne is dating Mr Drop Dead Gorgeous ... and she found him on the Internet...Undeterred by dire warnings of axe-murderers and perverts, Sally joins; in no time at all, a flood of potential suitors present themselves. But will any of them last - one of them, surely, will be capable of 'Ticking all the boxes'? What about the seriously sexy Dave or the suave Hugh? The militant James or 'Twig', the tree-hugging eco warrior? Or will it be Tom, yes, lovely Tom - he's perfect in every way... isn't he...?

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Long May She Reign (President's Daughter)

Long May She Reign (President's Daughter) Review

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Long May She Reign (President's Daughter) Feature

Meg Powers is the daughter of the President of the United States.  She’s about to enter her first year of college.  She’s living through the worst year of her life.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jacob's Well: A Case for Rethinking Family History

Jacob's Well: A Case for Rethinking Family History Review

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Jacob's Well: A Case for Rethinking Family History Feature

Through research, historical narratives, and storytelling, historian and author Joseph A. Amato demonstrates how Americans with mixed ancestry and common origins might produce truly extraordinary family histories as he follows his poor, obscure, and truly "mongrel" family through seven generations, revealing their place in the key events of America's past. Using powerful family traditions to clarify his personal connection to the larger stories of our nation, Amato advocates for the power of the history closest to hand in building personal identity and resisting mass culture.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

She's a Bad Motorcycle: Writers on Riding

She's a Bad Motorcycle: Writers on Riding Review

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She's a Bad Motorcycle: Writers on Riding Feature

Why do people ride motorcycles? Thomas Krens, curator of The Art of the Motorcycle, the most popular exhibition ever mounted at the Guggenheim Museum, writes: "For much of society, the motorcycle remains a forbidden indulgence, an object of fantasy, and danger." And of envy. No other machine is thought of as the vehicle—"the perfect vehicle" Melissa Holbrook Pierson calls it—of rebellion, lawlessness, and freedom. She's A Bad Motorcycle collects the writings of those who have sought that freedom. From the genre-defining—and exploding—Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance to Chasing Che the motorcycle has inspired a startlingly rich, unabashedly romantic body of writing that celebrates the risks and exhilaration of the journey to self-discovery. The book includes selections from Eric Burdon, Harry Crews, Harlan Ellison, Robert E. Fulton, Jr., Che Guevara, Fred Haefele, S.E. Hinton, Dennis Hopper, Richard La Plante, Erika Lopez, Horace McCoy, Allen Noren, Robert Pirsig, Gary Paulsen, Melissa Holbrook Pierson, Patrick Symmes, Keith Tye, Hunter S. Thompson, Lois Wilson, Daniel R. Wolf and Tom Wolfe, as well as photographs by Bruce Davidson, Martin Dixon, Ann Ferrar, Danny Lyon, Helge Pedersen, and Irving Penn.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jokes, Quotes, And Other Assorted Things

Jokes, Quotes, And Other Assorted Things Review

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Jokes, Quotes, And Other Assorted Things Feature

Jokes, Quotes, And Other Assorted Things by: Stephen Motway

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

From The Heights

From The Heights Review

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From The Heights Feature

Val Greene, a high ranking member of the CIA keeps a secret from his best friend, Danny Blaine, the owner of the largest privately owned real estate company in the world. The two serve together with the OSS in Northern Italy during World War II and remain lifelong friends. Val keeps this secret, made reluctantly, but with the best of intentions, for decades. It changes the course of many lives and will eventually devastate the two friends and reach far into the next generation of Blaines and Greenes. The truth will finally come out, but no one involved will remain unscarred. Some will loose everything while others will become rich. Some will be killed and others will kill. One will commit acts of cruelty unthinkable to most. One will put an end to his life and another will go into seclusion. One will grow up not knowing who he really is. And, the most confident one of all will enter a world of unreality, never to return. From The Heights begins in the New York City of the 1930's and takes the reader to the war in the Pacific and the secret workings of the OSS in Italy and Switzerland during World War II. It is a story of the privileged that summer in South Hampton and the poor who swim in the Harlem River. It is a story of social climbing and empire building. It follows the lives and loves of two generations and delves into the inner workings of the New York City Police Department and battles fought by United States Marines in Vietnam. But more than anything else, it is a story of love won and love lost and how pride, prejudice and good intentions can lead to fates and consequences unintended and undreamed of.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

The Grand Conspiracy

The Grand Conspiracy Review

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The Grand Conspiracy Feature

When Fidel Castro sends his top assassin into Colorado's high country to kill the vacationing American and Russian Presidents, Buck and Dolly Madison and Buck's Vietnam war buddies are caught in a cross-fire of presidential politics, water politics and forced to make a choice between Duty-Honor-Country and allowing Fidel's terrorists to assassinate a President who "loathes" the military. After their private plane is shot down by the terrorists on a Rocky Mountain glacier, Buck and Dolly must fight their way downhill through a terrorist gauntlet that tests their love, courage and survival skills. If they can outwit the terrorists, they can prevent the destruction of the Lake Granby High Dam and save the lives of thousands of innocent Americans.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tomorrow's Tourist, Volume 16: Scenarios & Trends (Advances in Tourism Research)

Tomorrow's Tourist, Volume 16: Scenarios & Trends (Advances in Tourism Research) Review

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Tomorrow's Tourist, Volume 16: Scenarios & Trends (Advances in Tourism Research) Feature

By 2030, China will be the world's largest tourism destination, holidays in Outer Space will be the ultimate luxury experience, extreme Swedish ironing will be an Olympic Sport, embedded technologies will be the norm in future tourists and skiing in the Alps will be no more. These are some of the changes that will occur between now and 2030 that will change world tourism. Tomorrows Tourist: Scenarios & Trends enables readers to imagine what a future tourist might be, where they will go and what they will do. This is the most comprehensive analysis of how world tourism is changing and what it means for destinations.

Each chapter consists of a scenario about a future tourist, which is then is backed up with evidence and trends plus a number of assumptions about the future.

The book is accompanied by its own website at which is owned and regularly updated by the author.

* Based on first hand cutting edge futures research
* Forecasts for World Tourism to 2030
* Suggests what the tourist will be doing on holiday in 2030
* Discuss issues such as climate change, alternative tourist destinations and consumer trends
* Shows you how to apply trends in your business
* Information provided by the Future Foundation, one of Europe's leading consumer think tanks (

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Friday, January 21, 2011

The Book of Tobias (Dedalus Europe 2000 S.)

The Book of Tobias (Dedalus Europe 2000 S.) Review

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The Book of Tobias (Dedalus Europe 2000 S.) Feature

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Postal Service: The Story About America's #1 Most Disgruntled Mailman and Another Look at the Post Office Revealed by Charles Bukowski in 1971

Postal Service: The Story About America's #1 Most Disgruntled Mailman and Another Look at the Post Office Revealed by Charles Bukowski in 1971 Review

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Postal Service: The Story About America's #1 Most Disgruntled Mailman and Another Look at the Post Office Revealed by Charles Bukowski in 1971 Feature

.   This is a story about Henry Johnson, an American worker, a letter carrier.

   He did his job and did it well, only to find that that wasn't good enough.  In addition to rain, sleet and snow, he had to contend with bosses who were unqualified, undignified and unscrupulous.

   What Henry discovered in the course of a long career was that bad managers were not few and far between.  They were everywhere. 

   Nearing the end of his career, Henry found himself contending on a daily basis with two individuals more concerned with keeping their authority--and willing to abuse their authority--if that's what it took to keep it.  They didn't mind hurting employees and they didn't mind hurting the company.  After putting up with their ridicule, harassment, and tedious interference for longer than he should have, Henry decided to take a stand.

   Sometimes Henry's behavior was funny, sometimes reckless, and oftentimes combatant.  He was always unpredictable.  His bosses didn't know what he would do next and sometimes Henry wasn't that sure either.  He didn't understand why some co-workers called him "Psycho" and at the same time he appreciated the advantage it gave him. 

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