Monday, January 31, 2011

Ticking All the Boxes

Ticking All the Boxes Review

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Ticking All the Boxes Feature

A typical modern dilemma - you're intelligent, attractive, and successful but you're also pushing 40 and still looking for that elusive significant other. The man who complements your life rather than your wardrobe. Take Sally for example - she can't find Mr Right in the usual haunts but a chance meeting with Anne, a previously unloved and unlovely school friend, changes all that. For Anne is dating Mr Drop Dead Gorgeous ... and she found him on the Internet...Undeterred by dire warnings of axe-murderers and perverts, Sally joins; in no time at all, a flood of potential suitors present themselves. But will any of them last - one of them, surely, will be capable of 'Ticking all the boxes'? What about the seriously sexy Dave or the suave Hugh? The militant James or 'Twig', the tree-hugging eco warrior? Or will it be Tom, yes, lovely Tom - he's perfect in every way... isn't he...?

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