Friday, March 4, 2011

All the Dear Little Animals

All the Dear Little Animals Review

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All the Dear Little Animals Feature

Theme: gently funny, non-sentimental story about death in a play context, from a child's' view. Illustrations: Sugar tough, apple green and corn yellow: Eva Eriksson is one of Sweden's best loved illustrators. Appeal: adults and children aged 4 plus. 'The whole world is full of dead things,' said Esther. 'In every bush there is a bird, a butterfly, a mouse. Someone must be kind and look after them. Someone must make a sacrifice and see that all these things are buried.' 'Who must?' I asked. 'We must,' she said. Esther was very brave. I was little and scared...One summer's day we started a business called Funerals Ltd, to help all the poor dead little animals in the world. Esther did the digging, I wrote the poems, and Esther's little brother, Puttie, cried.

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