Sunday, March 20, 2011

'Til Death Do Us Part (Bailey Weggins Mysteries)

'Til Death Do Us Part (Bailey Weggins Mysteries) Review

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'Til Death Do Us Part (Bailey Weggins Mysteries) Feature

When Bailey Weggins receives a phone call from Ashley Hanes, she assumes Ashley needs a fashion or publishing related favor. After all, Bailey only met the woman once when they were both bridesmaids in a wedding, and they didn't have anything in common. But Ashley needs more from Bailey than help getting into a Chanel sample sale. It turns out that two of the bridesmaids from the wedding have died in what appear to be freak accidents. One was electrocuted in her bathtub and the other had a fatal reaction to antidepressants. Ashley is sure the two cases aren't just a horrible coincidence and convinces Bailey to investigate. Before you can say "'Til death do us part," Ashley's lifeless body is found at the bottom of a flight of stairs, and Bailey realizes that she easily could be next on the killer's list.

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